Sunday, March 12, 2006

Temple of Odd Fellows

Oh, I have been lax as an Icelandic salmon. Much to do, and fell into bed at 1 a.m. yesterday after a wondrous evening combining a belated birthday of one RFR and a post-principal -photography (PPP?) gathering of many ALYCErs.
The whole set off by (let's name 'em all) Sewer Goats, Defenestrators, Warm Seat, Dusty Bones, a full strength BabaYaga and a simply, sincerely amazing Frankie and his Fingers (the stunning, crisp Sami). Manyest thanks to Trey, Marie and Jasper for hosting us. I, as 'producer', did what I wish all producers would do. Bugger off, grab pizza, and field drunks on the street.
I will make an effort to get back to matters more centrally cinematic next week, when we all tackle the problems and delights (yes, delights, too...) of editing.


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