Thursday, May 04, 2006

Marrakesh market

Brief update: Ultra Terra accepted for Reel Teens festival. And Dan C.'s 'Runaway ball' also inducted. Congrats both. Though for bayla this is all very fast... I wonder if Dan - who's slap in the middle of editing his next short, feels odd at a premier of his last year's film? Time loops. Alyce is progressing - jennillian 'finished' edit with me being unSpocklike and reviewing a couple of alternate choices; Bacci re-dubbing some sound... hard, isn't it?; Dan close to a final cut; Becky, I guess...; trevor finished the animated filming, now only to put on a time line - his treatment of the start is luvverly - Dum though I be.
Hope I can whittle some stills - DE-INTERLACED - for you tomorrow.

Oh, and Jolie came in and liked the rough cut. Pledges to get the remaining bits in the can next weekend. Phew, as the heat rises, and edit room resembles more and more Marrakesh market... I mean - a lot of happy, busy people. See photo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Existential crises. I thought that impending fatherhood would solve them. It merely amplified them. Now I live in a house with 1970's "Cheadle Hulme" sunshine. Sweet but confusing.

10:58 AM  

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