Friday, March 17, 2006

On Screen

Now that was a night. I could use a few more like that after a day spent in conclave, editing, and formatting tapes.
Taima really came through, and basically single-handedly edited one person's film, in absentia. Sorry to hear that our Deadpool is still ill, hope his fever abates this St. Paddy's Day (yes, it's past midnight).
A great reception for this first partial view of Alyce, which surprisingly, unanimously, hangs together despite its five distinct styles and voices. Bacci's piece drew great respect from the gathered filmmakers and I think the Tea Party worked well enough - Mikhail was present to lend support, and kudos to him, Phil Levine's Tweedledee was rather menacing and believeable too. Makes you wonder about his roots, actually... it was also nice to see that Jolie can stretch herself a little emotionally (in Dan's scene and in a lovely outburst in the Tea Party. Plus the first appearance of Trevor's Little Helpers.
Thanks to Jenna, Lillian, Joe and Trevor for turning up and exposing themselves (?) to the crowd.
Also good to bump into Ricky and Anya Aldridge. though filming at Rokeby didn't work out this time, they were both very friendly, enthusiastic and wowed by the filming. Maybe in the future, with a little more notice and more logical planning, we can do something there?
And Will - he'd better watch out for ladies' favors after his 'strong and sexy' (I quote!) role as the Cheshire Man in TWO segments. Dorota remarked that one thing which also held all the segments together was the stylistic work of Bayla, who made many of the costumes, and to Iyla, for a real eye as production manager / slash/ production designer. It's not an accident that there was a consequent color scheme, and that for example, the faded roses in Tweedledum's buttonhole were of the same variety and color as the roses on the table at the Tea Party. Or the eerie black mesh and red motif of the guards and the QoH were handmade with care by the above ladies, along with Emmi and Noria. Or the extremely realistic looking (yet intrinsically harmless) knives scattered about the scenes. And Zoe was talked of, too, which makes a nice circularity, back to the Ur-script. So, we are off ground zero now, I will try to arrange for some fun as we (you - remember the Prime Directive!) now find the finished shape and layers of the film.
All this from the chaos of yesterday's first cuts.
Oh God - yes, I ran some of Dan's scenes together for him, but I sort of wanted it to be clear to the uninitiated that this was an assembly, not a director's rough, so I left a few repeat takes and overlaps in the sequence. it's alright like that. And I did try to explain a little of Dan's conception (the layout like a manga). But I left in one false start where the Queen of Hearts flubs a line and goes 'Oh, fuck...' then restarts. I like it. the audience liked it , too. Sorry Vanessa.
And Judy and Sam, after what was perhaps a difficult evening to sit through, beaming at the end, was a pretty good sight too. I fear the film about Cuba gave Peter permanent liver and tongue-biting damage.
But amazingly no equipment glitches or itches. Later adjourned to Michael's Diner to stuff faces and decontract. Always nice to drift on past midnight, into the real world.
Now, I'm thinking about travelling. Us, we, you, travelling with the films. A project to think about. Felt very proud of everyone who's put so much into this Alyce idea.
Most left-field question of the night was: (to the directors) Do you keep a tally of your hours spent on the film?
The answer: No.
But the phrase of the night goes to Robin, for 'deja done'.
Well, it was.
And tomorrow it's 'V for Vendetta'.
And a nice cup of tea.
Goodnight, ladies, goodnight.


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